The contribution to mathematics in every step of life is undeniable. Many countries around the world have contributed to the practice of mathematics. Indian mathematics emerged in the Indian subcontinent from 1200 BC until the end of the 18th century. Important contributions were made by scholars like Aryabhata, Brahamagupta, Bhaskar II, and Varahamihira. The most important mathematical contribution of ancient India is the invention of the decimal system of numeration, including the number zero.

Ancient and mediaval Indian mathematical works, all composed in Sanskrit, usually consisted of a section of sutras in which a set of rules or problems were stated with great economy in verse in order to aid memorization by a student.
If we look at the history of Indian mathematics, there is a mention of vedic mathematics.
Vedic mathematics comes from vedas, more speciffically the atharvaveda. It was revived by Indian mathematician Jagadguru Shri Bharati Krishna Tirthaji between 1911 and 1918. He then published this work in a book called vedic mathematics in 1965.
How Vedic Mathematics Helps In TheDevelopment Of Children’s Brain .
Vedic mathematics helps in faster and accurate mental calculations. Students are able to reduce their rough work. A lot of rough work makes students slower in maths. With the mental maths techniques of Vedic Maths, They are able to do the calculations easier and faster. The techniques of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, squares, roots, square roots, cube roots, and other such higher calculations help students reduce a lot of rough work. The result is that their accuracy builds up along with saving time.

A sharp brain helps to understand anything very well. Vedic mathematics is the tool with which we can make our brain much more active.
WHO(WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION ) says childhood and adolescenceare critical stages of life for mental health. This is a time when rapid growth and development take place in the brain. So, vedic mathematics is like a game tool , which helps to develop mental health and also helps to activate both sides of the brain. That is why they can handle any situation very well.
Table of Contents
The Preliminaries
- Topic 1 : Introduction to Vedic Mathematics
- Topic 2 : Vedic Addition
- Topic 3 : Vedic Subtraction
- Topic 4 : Vedic Multiplication
The Basics
- Topic 1 : A brief summary of 16 sutras and 13 sub-sutras
- Topic 2 : Higher order addition
- Topic 3 : Higher order subtraction
- Topic 4 : Vedic multiplication by base 10, 100, 1000 method
The Advance
- Topic 1 : Application of 16 sutras and 13 sub-sutras with examples
- Topic 2 : Square & square root
- Topic 3 : Cube & cube root
- Topic 4 : Fraction
- Topic 5 : Percentage
- Topic 6 : Polynomials etc.
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