The Knight moves in a direction described as an “L”. The Knight, from a starting square, moves 2 squares, up, down, left, or right, and then one square at a right angle, forming an “L” [Ref: Figure 8.1 & 8.2]. The Knight is the only piece that may jump over other pieces but only captures the piece of the square that he lands on (not the pieces he jumps over). The white Knights begin the game on b1 and g1. The black Knights begin on b8 and g8. The Knight has a piece value of 3 points (equal to the Bishop). NOTE: EVERY move the Knight makes ALWAYS changes the color of the square that it stands on.

Fun Activity:
Capture the Pawns – Knight: Set up your chess board as shown to the right and see if you can use the Knight to capture all of the pawns in the least number of moves possible.
BONUS: Wonderful! For an extra challenge, repeat the previous exercise, but this time make sure that your Knight never steps into danger. Can you find a way to accomplish this in just 18 moves? Note: This requires an understanding of topic 9.

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