There are six different types of chess pieces: King, Queen, Rook, Bishop, Knight, and Pawn. The chess set contains pieces of two different colors, one light and one dark, called White and Black. The board is set up as shown [Ref: Figure 3.1]. The white pieces begin on the 1st and 2nd ranks and the black pieces begin on the 7th and 8th ranks. The white Queen begins on a light square and the black queen begins on a dark square.
Each piece has a relative point value based on its mobility. Understanding these point values allows a player to evaluate whether exchanging pieces is a good or bad idea; however, point values have no direct impact on the result of a game. See topic 11 for how to win a chess game.

Ready, SETUP, Go!: Start with all pieces piled in the middle of your chess board. Time yourself to see how quickly you ca correctly setup all the pieces in their starting positions! Can you do it in less than 30 seconds?

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